Five For Friday 6/22/18
1. Medical Stuff:
- Sucked at rehab this week. Packing up my classroom zapped me. Must do better!
- 6 month dental cleaning. No cavities!
- Acupuncture and infusion. The usual.
- I established with a new rheumatologist on Wednesday. My PCP is leaving and I need someone to act as a “gatekeeper” for my EDS. Went really well!
2. I just *may*be getting smarter…maybe? I took three days to finish packing my classroom. I used to do it in a day, and then I would be flat on my back for a week, trying to get in to docs on an emergency basis because my ribs and neck were so subluxed. I actually PACED myself this time, and low and behold, I can move. Imagine that! ; )
3. Thursday, I spent my last day officially working until August. We met as a staff and planned ahead for next school year. Long day but worth it.
4. Headed up north for the weekend for a dear former colleague’s fundraiser on Saturday. He is battling stage 4 pancreatic cancer at 46. CANCER SUCKS SO MUCH. If you pray, I know the family would appreciate it…or send good vibes, juju, whatever…anything is appreciated.
5. You guys, I love this so much.

Tags: acupuncture, Cancer, Dentist, Ehlers-Danlos, Fundraisers, Infusions, Inspiration, Kindergarten, Pacing, Quotes, Rheumatologist, Struggles, subluxations, Teaching