Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

This One Goes Out to My Docs #NHBPM Carnival

Written by Katie. Posted in Diagnosis Path, Ehlers-Danlos Appointments, Medical Team, Other Appointments, POTS Appointments

Topic: What’s something your doctor taught you?

Well, as I am sure it is true for many of you, I have many doctors.  Each one has taught me so much along the way as I have learned to manage both EDS and POTS.  Finding such a great team of doctors did not happen overnight.  It took a lot of travel, a lot of help, and a lot of patience.

Being Your Own Advocate is a MUST

Written by Katie. Posted in Challenges, Diagnosis Path, Editorials, Memorable Experiences

The following article really spurred me to want to write this post.


I was reading it when Brad looked over at me and said, “What are you doing?  I didn’t even notice it but I was nodding my head repeatedly as I read the article.

I have been through some crazy times in my short 29 years, but nothing has ever compared to the extreme amount of stress I felt last year when the doctors could not figure out what was wrong with me.  When I think back, I wonder how I got through it still standing.

Catching Up

Written by Katie. Posted in Diagnosis Path


How did all this start?  Well, for the past couple years I had taken up running and was really proud of how strong I was getting from running 4 days a week.  I was increasing mileage, I was maintaining a healthy weight, and it just really made me feel good to get those endorphins pumping.  My goal was to run a half marathon before Brad and I started to try and have kids.  So I was following a training plan, teaching, and living life like a “normal” 28 year old.  Life was good.