Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Five for Friday 3/4/11

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1.  Medical Stuff

  • Prolotherapy round two was on Monday.
  • 1 day of PT
  • 1 day of Home Rehab
  • POTS has been giving me fits since Wednesday.  My heart rate hasn’t been this up and down for a while.  Had a minor meltdown about it after feeling dizzy and feeling a lot of body heaviness and weakness.  My therapists pointed out that the trauma from the shots could have made my autonomic nervous system go haywire.  Also, it could be due to my cycle and/or not doing therapy for a full week (could 7 days cause enough deconditioning to give me worse POTS symptoms?)  Maybe it’s a combo of all 3? I definitely recorded this in my daily log.

Prideful Stripes

Written by Katie. Posted in Zebras

Check out the article, “Nothing Can Stop the Zebra” on Smithsonian.com

“Bradley can’t say for sure whether the zebras are benefiting from the fence, the return of the river, the recent higher rainfall or some combination of all three, but he says the health of the population means that, “given the chance, animals will often be able to respond to cycles of good and bad years and bounce back.”Happy Friday everyone!

Have you ever wondered…

Written by Katie. Posted in Zebras

What noise a zebra makes?  Probably not but if so, you can listen here.  Scroll down on the page, and It’s on the left (towards the bottom) under “Sound Byte.”

Can you tell I’ve been on a couch for a couple days?  Can you tell I’m getting a tad bit bored?  I’m still really sore and stiff but I am definitely moving around better today.  Good thing it’s back to therapy tomorrow.  

Zebra Power!

EDS Inservice

Written by Katie. Posted in Ehlers-Danlos Awareness


Last Tuesday, was the Ehlers Danlos Inservice that the PT student who I have been working closely with put together for all of the other therapists.  She had asked me to come to show the Beighton Scale (one of the ways I was diagnosed), and to help answer questions and provide information from a patient’s perspective.  ?I was so proud of her~She put so much work into the presentation.  It is always surprising to me how little is known about EDS in the medical world.  This is why I was extremely THANKFUL to this student who took the time to educate the therapists, to help “make the invisible, visible,” and hopefully help other patients get to a proper diagnosis in a much more timely fashion than it took me. 
The slides below are from her PowerPoint.  Let me be clear~this is NOT my presentation.  I did not put together these slides.  The PT student did, and she was nice enough to share these and all of her other resources with me. 

Andy\’s Weekend

Written by Katie. Posted in Family

Andy leaves March 16th for basic training for 9 weeks and then Officer Candidate School for 12 weeks in Fort Benning, Georgia.  I am so, so proud of Andy?, and all of his hard work, dedication, and commitment to join the Army.  Since he was 18 he talked about joining the military, but decided he would pursue a degree in kineseology first at MSU.  After graduating, becoming an Officer Candidate became even more of a passion of his and he aggressively and successfully pursued this career path. 

I will miss him so much.  Out of my three siblings he has been the one who has stayed close.  I made him promise he would write me, and he made me promise I would not send him “those talking cards” because he doesn’t want to get beat up. 🙂