Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Written by Katie. Posted in Challenges

WARNING:  What you are about to read is not full of positivity.   

 I promised the good, the bad, and the ugly, and today is just one of those days where I hope getting it out in writing will give me a dose of therapy I need.

Overwhelmed. With. Life.  That pretty much sums it for me.  I hit a wall yesterday and Brad ordered me to bedrest today.  I think I experienced yesterday what Dr. Tinkle was talking about when he said Type A people usually struggle the most.

Five For Friday 12/18/10

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

Forgive me, I’m a day late.  Had a yuck day yesterday-all hurricanes going at once; POTS, neck, Migraine, GI…Was on the massage pillow and heating pad most of the day and in bed at 8:30…Hopefully today will be a better day.

1.   Larry had me meet with a doctor from Minnesota who was in town for the weekend teaching at the MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine, Principles of Manual Medicine Course.  He spent an hour Sunday and an hour Monday doing visceral manipulations on me.  AND, his wife and daughter both have EDS! Visceral Manipulation is a type of gentle manipulation that helps relieve imbalances and restrictions in the interconnections between the motions of all the organs and structures of the body. (I took that from http://www.jeffreyburch.com/home/jb1/visceral_main.html).

Ehlers-Danlos in Cincinnati

Written by Katie. Posted in Ehlers-Danlos Appointments

Well, I have been putting this post off because I knew it was going to be a long one.  One with a lot of information; some of which I honestly did not want to hear.  Since my appointment last Thursday, I have been mentally processing a lot of the information I learned at my appointment with Dr. Tinkle. This “processing” has led to a few mental breakdowns emotional moments, and I felt it was best to blog about it when I was feeling much more positive and ready to break it all down in writing. 

Roses and Thorns

Written by Katie. Posted in About Me

Thanks to all who have been inquiring about Cincinnati, my appointment with Dr. Tinkle, and when I’ll update my blog about it.  I am realizing that I have more readers than I thought 🙂 

I am working on the appointment post but it is a lengthy one and I want to make sure I have everything accurate before I publish it.  Tomorrow I am going to listen to the audio tape of the appointment before I post it since Dr. Tinkle was kind enough to let me audio tape what he had to say (which was a lot).