Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Five For Friday 3/9/18

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

March Madness continues! And I am not talking about basketball. We just have so much going on this month.

1. Medical Stuff:

  • I had to take Monday off for a specialist appointment.
  • This upcoming week, the treadmill should FINALLY be arriving. I miss it. Didn’t think I would this much.
  • 2 Home Rehab sessions: One, outside hitting the pavement and one Beachbody workout that left my legs feeling like straight up  JELLO.
  • Had to take PT off this week because of Kindergarten Round Up.
  • I had my two year eye checkup on Thursday. Picked out some new glasses, and had to have the whole gamut of testing. Why, you ask? Oh, EDS, you can effect everything. I had one test that pointed to Glaucoma (which can be because of EDS). I had a more advanced test, that turned out okay, but we will be watching it closely from here on out. Never dull ; )

Five For Friday 3/2/18

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

Whew! I am late…But you know what they say…better late than never ; )

1. Medical Stuff:

  • I haven’t been this “normal person” sick in a long time. NO voice, cough, hard to breathe, back on breathing treatments. It kicked my butt last week! But I am glad to say I am almost back to just my weird issues now! I will say teaching Kindergarten with zero voice is interesting…to say the least.
  • One day of PT. They went easier on me since I sounded like I was a smoker for 50 years. Probably a good thing.
  • One Day of home rehab. I am SO ready to get our new treadmill delivered (after our old one croaked). I miss it!
  • One shrink appointment = 768757575784785 breaths of fresh air. We talked about healing. A Lot.
  • I saw my primary care doc and found out I need to get a benign cyst removed from the top of my head on the first day of my spring break. Fun times.

Five For Friday 2/23/18

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1. Medical Stuff:

  • One day of PT. It felt good to be back, and for my therapist to get everything back in place for me again.
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab. Lots of walking/running outside when it was not raining this week. So. Much. Rain. I had to get creative!
  • I am going to include this one here, because for me, it is important for my …mind…body…health. I have felt overwhelmed with a lot of things going on the last couple of months, so on my way home from school, I ended up turning around and driving to church to sit. And think. And talk to the Boss. Such a great way (for me) to feel some peace and feel centered.  I am talking spiritual health, which actually has nothing to do with religion for me.

Five For Friday 2/16/18

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1. Medical Stuff:

  • I’ve been on the Ketogenic diet for two weeks now. Days, 7, 8, 9 were awful, but it has gotten better. I learned the trick of drinking broth before bed, and it has made life much better. That tells me electrolytes/salt were low and I must keep them up or I will feel like CRAP.
  • One OMM appointment. We focused a lot on putting my upper ribs back in place. Damn ribs, work with us.
  • One Day of Home Rehab. FAIL.
  • Back to PT next week.