Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

30 Things: Invisible Illness Week 2013

Written by Katie. Posted in About Me, Chronic Illness, Ehlers-Danlos Awareness, Invisible Illness, POTS Awareness, Questions

Hi friends! Invisible Illness Week is fast approaching (September 9-15). I was asked to fill this out, and just before I was about to respond with, “I already did it two years ago,” I thought about it and realized a lot has changed in two years.  Therefore, some of my answers are different and some have remained the same.  I wanted to post it early, before school starts, since I am unsure how my body will respond or adjust to being back to work again.  So here you go. My 30 things.

Five For Friday 8/30/13

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1. Medical Stuff:

  • 4 Days of Home Rehab.  Since I am still off from PT for a little longer, I am much more limited with equipment, so therapy has consisted of a lot of treadmill or outside walking with steep inclines, a lot of joint strengthening exercises (supermans, glute fires, squats, etc.), and a lot of light weight lifting for my upper body.
  • Zero doctors appointments this week AND next week (so I can get used to school).  Amazing.

Five For Friday 8/23/13

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1. Medical Stuff:

  • 4 Days of Home Rehab. Lots of treadmill, and floor work (joint strengthening).
  • I saw Larry on Tuesday for OMM and our monthly office date.  He told me I am going back to good ol’ Physical Therapy in September.  I told him I was managing pretty well on my own, but he reminded me of the shock my body is about to undergo with going back to school.  Knowing he was right, I just smiled and said, “Yes, Larry.”
  • It was a stupid insomnia week.  There’s not much I hate in this world, but not being able to sleep is definitely one of them.

A Letter to one of the Best

Written by Katie. Posted in Ehlers-Danlos Appointments, Ehlers-Danlos Awareness, Inspiration, Thankful

Dear Dr. Lavallee,

I got your letter last week.  I think I smiled and cried at the same time when I read you were leaving your practice in South Bend and moving to a different practice in York, PA.  I immediately felt so happy for you but sad for us Michiana EDS’rs.  You have been there from the beginning, ever since I discovered I belong in this special club we like to call “zebras.”