Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Q & A: My Current Exercise Regimen

Written by Katie. Posted in About Me, Ehlers-Danlos Awareness, Physical Therapy, POTS Awareness, Questions

I recently received an email from a Mom whose daughter has just been diagnosed with EDS and POTS.  She had questions about my exercise routine with POTS and EDS.  It made me think about how I have really neglected this blog the last few months.  I am honestly having trouble finding the time and the energy to keep everything updated, but I am going to try and do better.  I feel it’s important; especially for awareness and documentation sake.  When I think back to why I started this blog in the first place, one of the reasons was to document my journey for learning to live with EDS and POTS.  When I was really sick, I remember looking all over the Internet for blogs that did the same. I found such comfort in reading about other people’s stories that were so similar to mine. 

Five For Friday 4/26/13

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1.  Medical Stuff:

  • 1 Day of PT.  I was able to get back on the Reformer after doing my cardio on the Elliptical.  I find that I actually miss that “torture chamber” if I am away for it for more than a week.  I think I have kinda, sorta fallen in love with it.  It works my whole body; especially my core, while being kind to my joints.  Now I just need to figure out how to get in more Reformer sessions during the week.  (I never thought I would say that).

Five For Friday 4/12/13 & 4/19/13

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday, Fundraisers

What a difference a week makes.

Last Saturday at this time, I was in a cocktail dress, with my hair and makeup done, surrounded by so much love and support, hosting Life as a Zebra Foundation’s second annual benefit concert with my sister.

This Saturday, I have just woken up, I am sitting with heating pads on my back and neck, and I am in my sweats, blogging and watching Knocked Up.

I am not complaining.  Both are spectacular feelings. 

Five For Friday 3/31/13 & 4/6/13: Benefit Concert Edition

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday, Fundraisers

Oh hey there, blog. Remember me?  Sorry for the neglect…Life is crazy.  I am currently living in benefit planning land.  It’s fabulous. Interesting. Intense. A blessing. Stressful. And at times, it can be completely insane. But instead of making excuses, I’ll get right to the last couple of weeks…This will be a combined edition.  The top 10 of the last two weeks.

1. Medical Stuff:

  • 2 sessions of Physical Therapy, with lectures on pacing, along with all of my exercises.  It is a beautiful thing when your therapist looks at you and says, “I know exactly what you need today. Sit down and listen.”
  • One trip to urgent care due to POTS, stress, exhaustion, and dehydration. (Cue the physical therapy lectures).
  • 5 Home Rehab sessions.
  • One telephone conversation with Dr. Larry about what I need to do for me to survive.