Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Five For Friday 12/12/14

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

Life has been going at a crazy pace, but I guess, better late than never…

1. Medical Stuff:

  • 1 Day of PT. I have been having increasing headaches, which I suspect is from some neck instability. My PT did a lot of cranial work, which is an incredible help with decreasing the amount and severity of headaches. It may be time for more prolotherapy.
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • I saw Larry on Friday. The focus of our appointment was my ribs…I had about 5 out so he put them back in place, and also helped me figure out how to schedule the echo that Dr. Grubb ordered for me. It’s that time again. I was told every 2-3 years, an EDS’r needs their heart checked; mainly for mitral valve prolapse.

Five For Friday 12/5/14

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1. Medical Stuff:

  • Knocking on wood big time BUT I think I may have turned the corner for the better with POTS. My super bendy fingers and toes are crossed tight.
  • 1 Day of PT. Graston’s Therapy on my quads.
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • 1 shrink appointment.
  • I saw Dr. Winkler on Thursday for OMM.
  • Started an antibiotic for a sinus infection.

Five For Friday 11/21/14

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1. Medical Stuff:

  • I had a better week. Especially with sleep, and therefore keeping symptoms at bay. Hoping this continues, and feeling grateful for better days.
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • I saw Larry on Tuesday. He put my ribs back into place and did cranial OMM on me.
  • I saw Dr. Rosen (shrink) after Larry on Tuesday. We discussed my recent med adjustments, and the best ways to cope through this flare. We came up a with a log I will be keeping for now, with information about each day (flares, no flares, where I am at in my cycle, medication info, how I feel, any differences to note, etc…)
  • I spent a lonnnnnggggg, but very worthwhile day in Toledo on Thursday seeing Dr. Grubb for POTS. I will try and blog about my appointment later.

Just Another Curveball

Written by Katie. Posted in Challenges, Chronic Illness, POTS Awareness

It’s no secret that I have been struggling with the ups and downs of POTS the last few months. More so than I have in a long time.

I’ve received a lot of questions, phone calls, emails, and concern from my amazing loved ones, so I thought it would be a good time to put a blog post out there. Plus, I miss writing.  It’s a wonderful way to communicate, help others understand, and to spread awareness which I believe in with all of my heart. Plus, it is simply a cathartic thing for me.