Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Five For Friday 3/15/13

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1.  Medical Stuff:

  • No PT.  I was on my own all week.
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • I saw Larry in the office for lots of OMM.  My body got a much needed tune-up!
  • This week was much more manageable in terms of what I needed to get done, and I realized a lot of that was due to a couple of factors:

Five For Friday 3/8/13

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

I’ve never missed a Five For Friday.  Due to the fact that I admittedly have issues, I have to post last week’s for my own peace of mind so at least it’s documented.  Otherwise, I may lose sleep.  I know, I know…Issues, I tell you.

1.  Medical Stuff:

  • 1 Day of Physical Therapy.  Lots on the Reformer!
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • 1 OMM Appointment for cranial-sacral therapy and an OA release on my neck.

My Interview with Acclaimed Singer-Songwriter, Chris Trapper

Written by Katie. Posted in Favorites, Fundraisers, Interviews

Last summer when I found out Chris Trapper had agreed to headline our 2nd Annual, Life as a Zebra Foundation Benefit Concert, I asked if he would be willing to let me interview him.  He immediately agreed.  Chris has been a source of support since even before we started the foundation.  He headlined our first benefit when Allie and I really had zero clue what we were doing.  Luckily, because of many people including Chris, it ended up being a very successful night.  Chris has done different interviews for us to help promote the concerts, and therefore the foundation.  He has been nothing but kind, open, generous, and encouraging as Allie and I work to hopefully make a teeny-tiny difference in this crazy, ginormous world, for a cause that is extremely personal to both of us.  Anyways, not only am I one of Chris’s biggest fans as a singer-songwriter, but I am one of his biggest fans when it comes to Chris as a person.

I hope you are able to join us at the benefit concert on April 13 to hear Chris Trapper’s beautiful music, and watch him mesmerize the audience as the expert performer that he is. If the benefit concert is not in the cards, do yourself a favor and check out his music…and check out his tour dates.  He may be coming someplace near you.  You won’t be sorry.

The following is my interview with Chris Trapper.


Written by Katie. Posted in About Me, Challenges, Chronic Illness

Send tickets to sponsors.  Deposit sponsor checks.  Send ad reminders.  Constant Contact Email.  Update Foundation Website.  Link Blog to Foundation Site.  Pick up Panopolous Sponsorship on Tuesday.  Follow up on other sponsorships.  Schedule Kellogg Meeting to plan/order food & room design.  Design t-shirts and order.