Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Archive for November, 2010

11/16/10 Thankful

Written by Katie. Posted in Thankful

Today I am thankful for my Dad and the special relationship I have always shared with him. I guess you could say I have always been a Daddy’s girl.  I am thankful that I inherited his sense of humor, his love for traditions, his love for giving everyone nicknames, his love for Jimmy Buffett, and most of all his belief that family comes first.  I am thankful that we have a relationship where we can tell each other like it is. 


Written by Katie. Posted in Favorites, Memorable Experiences

I love my birthday.  I always have.  There is a running joke in our family that my birthday is the “Month of Katie.” I have always loved to prolong my birthday well into the month of November.  I am not sure why I love it so much.  I just do.  So this year, with Brad and my family knowing full well that I love my birthday, they kept asking me what I wanted for my birthday, what I wanted to do for it, yadda, yadda, yadda…

Because I wasn’t doing so hot at that time, I was being a major grump about it. I kept saying, “I don’t want to do anything.” Or “I’m not celebrating 29 until I have a diagnosis.” or “I just want to skip it.” 

11/14/10 Thankful

Written by Katie. Posted in Thankful

Today I am thankful for my faith.  I am thankful that through this tough time I have had my faith to lift me up, and I am thankful that I feel that in the last year I have continued to grow in my faith.  I am thankful for Father Mark’s homily about perseverance today. It was just what I needed to hear. I am thankful that in church today we sang, “Be Not Afraid.”   It was just what I needed to sing. 

11/13/10 Thankful

Written by Katie. Posted in Thankful

Today I am thankful for all of my nieces.  They are all so beautiful and such bright spots in my life.  I love you Cecilia, Jameson, Cameron, Kendall, and Casey!