Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Archive for February, 2011

R & R

Written by Katie. Posted in Physical Therapy

So today I got to therapy ready to get on the full body gym, and my PT pulled me into one of the exams room instead.  She said we were going to talk first today.  Uh oh.  She said she was watching me on Monday and was worried that I am overdoing it, and that we need to think more about pacing.  Ughhhhh, “pacing”…I have developed a strong dislike for that word ever since I was diagnosed.  She asked me how I have been doing after therapy and I was honest.  I said some days I feel great and do completely fine and other days I crash hard.  She asked me about how I was after Monday and I admitted that I went to Meijers afterwards (I was supposed to go straight home and rest), and by Tuesday morning I was throwing up and had to sleep during the day.  Busted. 

Five For Friday 2/11/11

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1.  Medical Stuff:

  • Had Prolotherapy treatment #1 Monday on my neck and upper back.
  • Saw Larry Tuesday in the office-We talked about how I am doing and goals to set.  We decided that it is best to still wait to see Dr. Grubb and hear another opinion on POTS treatment.  
  • The cardiologist called and said my blood work looked good.
  • Had PT Thursday.  My PT pretty much said I am a “lifer.”  I’m okay with that if it gets me to where I need to be.  I also met another EDS person at therapy this week. 
  • Did home rehab Wednesday and Friday.