Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

25 Things

Written by Katie. Posted in About Me, Lists, Questions

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One of my friends emailed me a couple of weeks ago asking what would be my top 25 things that make me smile. Since she asked, I have found myself thinking about it quite often. I am here to say, it is not a bad thing to have to think about the things that make you happy; especially during some difficult, busy, flare-up weeks.

(Thank you, friend. You know who you are).

1. Hugs. Not weak hugs, but those really great, meaningful hugs.

2. Breakfast for dinner.

3. Music. All kinds. Especially live music.

4. Dancing. Especially at the Green Door on Monday nights, when I am coaching dance, and on the lawn at concerts.

5. My 7 nieces and their very unique personalities.

6. Accomplishing a personal fitness goal. It’s such a high. Also, completing a dripping sweat, push myself to the limits kind of workout. Talk about feeling ALIVE.

7. Facebook. I don’t care what people say about it. I believe it can be used for good or evil. I have made so many meaningful and personal connections through Facebook.

8. Sunday afternoons with my Mama when we go to church, out to lunch, and to shop.

9. Brad’s foot rubs.

10. Opening an email or getting a phone call or being told I got something I worked really, really hard for.

11. My siblings. Every second with them. Especially the laughs and the randomness.

12. She Neigh Neigh the twerking horse. (Don’t ask…this one happens to go with the sibling randomness I mentioned above).

13. Nicknames, Jimmy Fallon, traditions, Christmas, cartwheels and handstands, writing, being goofy, free time, and making lists.  No, these do not go together, but I am running out of room.

14. All of the amazing, crazy, loud, weird, loving, supportive people who I call my family. Those peeps have my heart.

15. Coraggio Books by Lisa Gigliotti.

16. Life as a Zebra Foundation.

17. Summer. Summer vacations. Summer adventures. Summer weather. Pretty much anything summer.

18. Making people laugh, people who make me laugh, AND laughing at myself. I guess I am pretty much in love with laughing.

19. Days I feel pretty much symptom free.

20. Inspirational people. Fighters. Survivors. People who dedicate their lives to making the world better. We may have Boston bombers but we also have people who will constantly give more than they have to make the world more beautiful. These are the people who should be glorified and celebrated.

21. Time with girlfriends.

22. An unexpected text, call, or email that makes my day a whole lot brighter.

23. Free Victoria’s Secret underwear coupons.

24. Being able to pay forward some of what has been given to me.

25. This:

normal day


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