50 Goals Progress Report
I have 3 more months! Here’s how I’ve done the past 9 months:
- Get new countertops. Done!
- Install a new over-the-stove microwave.
- Walk a 5k. I did May 19th for Team Zebra! I’ve also done 3.1 a few times on my own since.
- Run through sprinklers. Done!
- Write letters to people who inspire me. I think they should know. I have written many lately including the one to the doctor who saved my sister, Allie’s, life 4 years ago. That was a memorable one…and extremely emotional.
- Start a will. Not yet.
- Have a garage sale. We decided to nix this goal and instead we took 40+ bags to Goodwill.
- Save enough to buy an SLR camera and learn how to use it. I bought it! I took one intro class in June and have since signed up for another class.
- Visit Philly. I went in June with the girls.
- Join Pinterest and create. I’ve joined. Created? Not so much.
- Organize the basement. A teeny weeny bit. I’m afraid I’ll get eaten alive down there. It needs work!
- Choreograph a dance. Not yet. Allie?!
- Landscape. Next summer!
- Attend Andy’s Ranger graduation. Andy starts in November so hopefully sometime this winter.
- Continue weekly date nights. Yup.
- See someone new in concert: Ray LaMontagne, Coldplay, Frog Holler…? I saw Brandi Carlile open for DMB. I still want to make it to a headliner I have never seen before.
- Figure out how to balance posting what I want to post on my blog with working and rehab and life in general. I keep trying.
- Hang pictures and art on our walls. They are still on our floor ready to be hung!
- Take the 3 credit reading class I need to get my Professional Teaching Certificate. Yup! So relieved it is done!
- Make progress on making my dream of organizing a fundraiser for invisible illnesses come true. Allie and I did it! Now we are planning for the second annual!
- Go to Silver Bells. Have to wait until November.
- Use more coupons. Getting better and better.
- Dama-Herner Vacation. We spent a week in Tawas. It was beautiful.
- Visit the Cross in the Woods with my mother-in-law. Unfortunately this will have to wait until I can make it up north.
- Visit the Grotto at Notre Dame. Yup. It was a memorable, beautiful experience.
- Learn how to make my Dad’s spaghetti sauce. Not yet.
- Take Vitamin D. I’m taking vitamins now, but not a vitamin D. I need to add this. I guess you could say I got plenty of natural Vitamin D this summer.
- Continue to advocate and educate about EDS and POTS (including myself). I’m trying!
- Go on a getaway trip with Brad, just us. Doctor’s trips do not count. Not yet.
- Come to terms that resting “is” doing something. I go in waves on this one. It’s a process. I’m improving.
- Begin juicing again. Nope.
- Work on forgiving myself for the things I cannot control. I would say I am improving. Again it’s a process.
- Be able to continue working. My district agreed to officially make me half-time and let me do a job share, so I am still teaching my beautiful kids in my position! I’m blessed!
- Continue Mommy-Daughter time on Sunday afternoons. Yup, love Mama time.
- Instead of focusing on just my larger muscles, focus more on strengthening my smaller muscles. I’m doing better at PT and on my own. I have done millions of glute fires since I set this goal.
- Give more to our church. Yup.
- Make progress on starting a family. Some…I guess.
- Getter better at not wasting the energy I do have on caring what other people think. Always a work in progress.
- Do something I am afraid of. I guess public speaking would fall into this category since I spoke at the Invisible Illness Benefit, and did a whole school awareness talk about EDS and POTS. Speaking in front of a ton of people is one of my biggest fears. I also worked out with Dr. Lavallee! I was freaked out I would not make it through…and I did.
- Spend time in my happy places. I did a lot of this this summer…especially at the beach, with family and friends, and believe it or not, on the treadmill.
- Track my blood pressure, heart rate changes, and symptoms more regularly. I am getting better at just “knowing” how I am doing, and what I need to do to manage symptoms… if that makes any sense at all.
- Finish all the little odds and ends in the house that need to be completed. Still so much to do.
- Take Grandma Midge out to eat. Not yet. She turns 90 in November so we will have to take her out to celebrate!
- Continue a disciplined home-rehab program. Some weeks are more disciplined than others.
- Go see a play. Not yet.
- Clean out all of our files. I dropped the ball on this one, this summer. Hopefully I can finish this by December.
- Learn more about personal training and foster care. Not so much.
- Get a credit card (with rewards) for emergencies only. Not yet.
- Figure out the best choice for a new car when my lease is up. I’m getting my new car in the next two weeks!
- Pay the kindness forward that has been shown to me. A goal that will never be met, but I continue to try each day.
Tags: Goals, Reflections