Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, Back to the Doc I Go

Written by Katie. Posted in Other Appointments

Who knew a lip could cause so much trouble?  Sunday my top lip started hurting.  I thought I had burned my lips in the sun while I was out on my in-laws deck on Mother’s Day.  Monday morning my lip hurt a little more.  Monday night it felt like I had a pulse in my lip. This morning I woke up at the crack of dawn because I couldn’t sleep.  My lip “pulse” had turned into a full fledged heart beat.  I looked in the mirror and my lip was absolutely huge.  It looked like I got popped in the mouth.  It was so swollen and just flat out ugly. 

So what do you think I did?  Took a picture on my phone, and sent it to my sisters of course.  I knew they’d have good comments and we’d all have a good laugh.  Then I left for PT. 


Written by Katie. Posted in Ehlers-Danlos Awareness, Favorites, My Creations, Other Appointments, POTS Awareness

If you recall a while back, at my last monthly appointment with Larry (Sports Med doc and the “captain” of my medical team), I was given an old fashioned homework assignment.  After having a mental breakdown in his office, he gave me this task…To watch Apollo 13, and relate it to my EDS and POTS by creating any craft project I want.  All he told me was he wanted me to pay attention to the energy conservation theme. 

I watched the movie on Monday (yes, I had a whole month and procrastinated until the day before just like the old days) and ended up taking 6 pages of notes.  It took me 4 hours to watch the 2.5 hour movie because I kept rewinding to make sure I had info, space lingo, and quotes correct.  Then I went to work on my “crafting.”