Five For Friday 11/2/18
1. Medical Stuff:
- Acupuncture on Monday. Laying on my back that long was uncomfortable. Was one of the only sessions I did not fall asleep.
- Physical Therapy was Tuesday. I had more energy this week than I have had the last few weeks, which translated in getting a great cardio session in. It is amazing the difference in energy I have, depending if I do PT on Tuesdays vs Thursdays. By Thursday, I am running on fumes.
- Was at the hospital most of the day Friday for a family member’s surgery. Luckily, all went well, and we will know more results by Wednesday. Prayers up!
- Walks, walks, and more walks with my sister’s dog. It’s forcing me to get out there and move, I guess : )
2. Halloween! On a Wednesday in the land of Kindergarten and first grade…and we made it!
This is as creative as I could get this year…AND, I feel like a ball these days anyways so it all worked out!

3. Brad had bought tickets to see Josh Davis in concert for my birthday a while ago. We found out it was also being recorded for a live album that he will put out soon. What a cool, intimate evening…just him and his guitar. Love. Trying to get in those date nights while we can…; )
4. I announced to Brad on Thursday (mid meltdown) that there will be no more scheduling of anything that aren’t “have to’s.” All of a sudden, I looked at November and December and panicked. They are so full. And I need time…to breathe. To nest. To prepare. To get the nursery ready. To Christmas shop. To do parent-teacher conferences. To manage my health. To wrap up things at school.
It will be okay. It will. One day at a time…
5. I. Am. Ready. SO, SO READY.

Tags: acupuncture, Concerts, Date Night, Energy Conservation, Faith, Gru, Halloween, Kindergarten & First, Perspective, Pregnancy, stress, Struggles, Surgeries, Teaching, Voting