Five For Friday 1/27/17
What. A. Week. I have declared today a recovery day, where I move just enough so people know I’m alive.
1. Medical Stuff:
- 1 Day of PT. A lot of work on my thoracic. By the time I got to therapy on Thursday, my mid back was NOT happy with me.
- 1 Day of Home Rehab.
- I napped almost every day after school this week. So needed and always a cause for celebration.
2. It was the last week of the first semester, which means finishing testing, report cards, and LOTS of paperwork. Boring, I know, but that pretty much sums up the majority of my week.
3. For our school district’s Saturday showcase, I was put in charge of packing and setting up a mock classroom at the middle school for the showcase. As I was working on packing materials in my room after the afternoon teacher had taken over, I looked over and one of my babies was just BAWLING. I had her come out of circle time and tell me what was going on. As tears rolled down her face, she wailed, “you were disappointed about how we behaved in science lab, so you are packing up all your stuff and never coming back!”
OMGoodness. I felt so bad for her. After I hugged her and reassured her that she was stuck with me, I stopped the whole class and explained I was only packing boxes for the special Saturday event we had talked about.
4. My brother and I, in both of our exhaustion, took off for Detroit for the Lumineers concert Friday night. It was an INCREDIBLE show and so worth the drive and staying up way later than usual. I would see them again in a heartbeat.
Live music is healing. Live music is life. Live music is my happy place.
5. Come join our community! To our fellow EDS warriors, caregivers, and community! Life as a Zebra has teamed up with the groundbreaking GeneFo – A Social Medical Platform to create an EDS community for support, communication, and condition management! Come sign up for free here!
Tags: Concerts, Ehlers-Danlos, GeneFo, Humor, Kindergarten, Music, Sleep, Teaching