Five For Friday 2/11/11
1. Medical Stuff:
- Had Prolotherapy treatment #1 Monday on my neck and upper back.
- Saw Larry Tuesday in the office-We talked about how I am doing and goals to set. We decided that it is best to still wait to see Dr. Grubb and hear another opinion on POTS treatment.
- The cardiologist called and said my blood work looked good.
- Had PT Thursday. My PT pretty much said I am a “lifer.” I’m okay with that if it gets me to where I need to be. I also met another EDS person at therapy this week.
- Did home rehab Wednesday and Friday.
2. I went to a doctor’s appointment and it wasn’t mine! I went with my brother to get his knee checked out. It looks like nothing serious but we will be therapy buds for the next few weeks while he makes sure his knee is ready for basic training and Officer Candidate School.
3. Brad and I went on one of our favorite dates. Target, church, and Mongolian BBQ. You know you are married when…. 🙂
4. I saw “No Strings Attached” with Theresa. It was better than I thought it would be. I cried a few times….Don’t judge me.
5. We downloaded Skype! I finally got to Skype my Cici baby. How can you resist this face? I wish I could kiss those cheeks through cyberspace.
Tags: Cecilia, Date Night, Family, Friends, Physical Therapy