Five For Friday 5/9/14
1. Medical Stuff:
- I was on my own this week for PT. I actually got to get outside and do some walking for my cardio. I am so ready for this warmer weather…
- 3 Days of Home Rehab: cardio, balance work, scap and glute fires, leg strengthening, core strengthening, and light weights for arm exercises.
- I ended up at Urgent Care Sunday night with a skin reaction. Basically my face blew up, so they gave me a shot of Steroids, oral steroids, and an antibiotic. The cause? Who knows, but it is suspected that EDS contributed since I have the type of EDS that affects skin (Type 2/3).
2. Before the face fiasco, I had one of the best, most memorable Sundays. My friend, Bob Hoffman is the founder of, an organization that is all about going out in the community and passing kindness forward. Sunday was one of the ePIFanynow parties. My friend Angie and I attended. What you do for one of these parties is you meet at the event, form a plan of what you want to do to pay it forward, go out into the community and do what you planned, and then return to the party to share your experiences. Angie and I started at Meijer to give free pony rides…then we bought a flower pot and filled it with pennies, and left it by the horse with the sign, “Free Rides.” Next we bought sidewalk chalk, and we went to schools and wrote positive messages for the teachers and students for when they arrived to school Monday morning. We also went to different houses of people who have made a difference in our lives and wrote messages and notes of thanks on their driveways. Here’s some pics of our fun and memorable afternoon…
3. I am learning that when working with the legislature, it is very, very important to be flexible. My meeting was rescheduled again, so I am staying tuned…
4. Two beautiful people in my life celebrated birthdays this week. Happy Birthday to my niece, sweet Annie, and Happy Birthday to my amazing Mama!
5. We had a very productive, foundation benefit recap meeting this week. We have lots of plans and ways to improve for next year! Now we get busy picking a date, and working on entertainment. The ball is rolling…! : )
Tags: Annie, Benefit Concert 2015, Birthdays, Bob Hoffman, Ehlers-Danlos, Events, Legislature, Life as a Zebra Foundation, Meetings, Mom, Urgent Care, Weather