Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Five For Friday 6/6/14

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

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1. Medical Stuff:

  • 1 Day of PT. Had a breakdown since my ribs felt like they were on fire. My therapist did tons of gentle OMM, and it helped quite a bit. I left moving and breathing better.
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • My gastroparesis is still flaring. Time to cut out certain foods until it calms down.

2. School is out for summer! I said goodbye to my babies on Friday. We had a kindergarten celebration on the last day and it was incredible. There were so many family members who attended, that you could barely walk through the classroom. So much love! Now, next week is all about cleaning and packing up the classroom, and then summer vacation can officially begin. I am looking forward to having some time to rest, recover, and do things I normally can’t do because I am teaching…and hopefully do more blogging! I miss writing!

3. On Thursday, our school celebrated the third annual “Zebra Day.” I spoke to classes about invisible illness awareness. Everyone wore Zebra Nation shirts or other zebra gear. It was a memorable day, and one I am very grateful that the students, staff, and families have come to embrace the last three years. I believe in starting young when it comes to lessons such as kindness, respect, empathy, compassion, acceptance, not giving up despite adversity, and being careful not to judge what you don’t know.




Zebra Day 5

Zebra Day 4


Zebra Day 6

4. This girl turned 4 on Thursday! How, how, how?! Time needs to slow down. I have my plane ticket to go visit later this month to celebrate!


Happy Birthday Cecilia Jane!

5. If you are local, come join our Team Zebra at the “Get Healthy Now” 5k on June 21st! You do NOT have to be a runner to join!

The following are the details:

What: Life as a Zebra Foundation is putting together a team of 40+ walkers/runners for the “Get Healthy Now 5k” sponsored by Antioch Cares, which will benefit childhood obesity and raise awareness about invisible illnesses!

When & Where: The race will be held on Saturday, June 21st at 10 am at the LCC west campus. We would ask that the zebra team arrive around 9:00 with a meeting place TBD, for pictures with our step and repeat banner, registration, to receive shirts, etc.

Money, Forms, & Due Date: The cost is $30, which covers the Get Healthy 5K registration fee, the Get Healthy tee-shirt, and the cost of a special edition Zebra Nation race tee-shirt. I (Katie) will need all money and registration forms turned in to me (NOT Antioch Cares) by Sunday, June 15. I need to turn everything in to the race chair by June 18th. Please make checks out to Life as a Zebra Foundation. I will be writing one big check for the team to Antioch Cares on June 18th.

For the address for where to mail the forms and money, or if you have questions, please email me at [email protected]!

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