Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Five For Friday 6/7/13

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

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1. Medical Stuff:

  • 1 Day of PT.
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • 2 Nights of Dance Choreography and practice.  (1.5 dances done, 1.5 to go)
  • I saw Larry on Tuesday.  He had two students with him…It was pretty entertaining that at one point, I had Larry with his fingers in my mouth working on my jaw, while one student was putting pressure on my neck, while the other student had her hands under my lower ribs, working on getting them back into place.  Teamwork.

2.  This was a crazy busy week, being the last week of school with my kids.  We had 2 picnics, a certificate celebration, an ice cream party, 4 summer birthday celebrations, lots of dancing and puppet shows, and many, MANY hugs.  (Let’s just say this upcoming week will be a detox week when it comes to my eating).  As I walked my kids out on their last day, one started sobbing, and it became a domino effect.  By the time we got to the door 10 of my kids were sobbing.  And I mean sobbing.  This has never happened to me in my 8 years of teaching.  The teachers were cracking up and asking what I did to them.  All I could say was, “I guess they loved kindergarten.”

3.  I got to hang with these girls this week.  Love, love, love my nieces.


Jameson rocked her recital!

4.  Speaking of nieces, Ms. Cecilia turned 3 this week.  Thank goodness for Skype.  One more week until she and her brand new sister are here and I can actually love ’em up in person.


Happy Birthday Cece!

5.  Next week, brings a lot of work but then summer can officially begin!  Once the classroom breakdown is done, meetings are finished, and my student’s files are up to date, I can check out and will not be back to school until mid-August.  It’s such an amazing feeling to have a couple of months off to focus on fun, coaching Twistars Camp, zebra work, house projects, vacations, lots of exercise, and yes, even more zebra work.

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