Five For Friday 6/8/12
Backing up to catch up!
1. Medical Stuff:
- 2 Days of Home Rehab.
- 1 Day of PT.
- Crazy trouble with POTS and insomnia.
2. Andy surprised us for the weekend from Georgia! No one knew he was coming home, so it was an extra special visit. We ate a lot, watched movies, and just hung out. I love my brother time.
3. One of my old teammates, Emily is getting married in August. I went to her wedding shower with a few of my other former teammates and some of the gym Mom’s. It was ZEBRA themed!
4. Friday was the last day of school! It was an emotional day. The fact that I had to say farewell to my kids, combined with the knowledge that I successfully made it through the year after being on leave the year before was enough to bring tears to my eyes. With that, I MUST give a special shout out to my teaching partner, Zondra. I call her my angel. I could not have gotten through this year or last year without her. I love you Zondra! Thank you for everything!
5. My friend, Theresa knew I was having an especially difficult week. She slipped me this beautiful gift in the lunchroom last week, and said, “This is to get you through.” It did and I have not taken it off since.
Tags: Family, Friends, Gifts, POTS, Surprises, Teaching, zebras