Five For Friday 8/5/16
August?! How, Howwww, HOW?!
1. Medical Stuff:
- No docs, no therapy, no home rehab. I kayaked a couple of days. Does that count?
2. My favorite week of the year is over just like that and I would not have changed a thing. My family and the Herner family vacationed in Northport all week. We have been doing vacations together for a while, but this was the first time it never rained, I swam every day, and we had a campfire almost every night. I also won $80 at the casino (penny machine) and ate WAY too much. When you make so many memories for 7 straight days with 16 people you love so much, it is hard to sum it all up in one blurb. If I had to, I’d say heaven on earth…so many belly laughs, so much fun, so much love.
3. OLYMPICS! We watched the opening ceremonies Friday night at the beach house. I love, love, LOVE the Olympics and in my opinion, I think our country could use a little bit (or a lot) of the unity that the Olympics often bring. the Women’s gymnastics team is on tonight! Woot!
4. We got home from vacation yesterday, and in true Katie fashion, I went straight to Urgent Care. The doc looked at me and I believe his words were, “Woo. That’s a nasty one. Gross.” Haaaaaaa. I was told I have eye infections in both of my eyes (conjunctivitis) and was given prescription eye drops. How? I have no clue. He *thinks* it could be from the lake. Anyways, today I am laying low, and either washing or throwing away tons of stuff. By tonight, I should no longer be contagious. Fingers crossed.
5. I read this yesterday: “August is the Sunday night for teachers.” So true. Summer is slipping by, and so far, it has been a kickass one at that. It’s just hard to believe I will be stepping into my classroom this week to get some work done. Whoa.
Tags: Family, Herners, Memories, Olympics, Teaching, Urgent Care, Vacation