Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.


Written by Katie. Posted in Goals

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Do you remember how one of my 50 goals for 2011 is to choreograph a dance?  Growing up, I was always choreographing with gymnastics friends and my sister, and it has always been a love of mine.  I helped my sister choreograph one of her last floor routines.  Dancing is definitely a hobby that I want to work towards to be able to do again with stamina. 

I have thought quite a bit about songs I’d like to use to choreograph, and although I am not a huge John Mayer fan, this song keeps surfacing as one that I may consider to accomplish my goal…It is a meaningful and symbolic song for me for a variety of reasons…And I think it’s a perfect POTS song.  

I had to go with the long, live version.  Love the sound.

“Just keep me where the light is…” Love it.

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