There’s a lot I want to blog about, but yet I don’t want to blog about. I know that doesn’t make sense whatsoever. My mind is one, big jumbled up mess. I hope you all reading will bear with me, while my “jumbles” start to straighten themselves out.
So I am going to just type random stuff, because that is how I roll today. Very, very random.
My toenails are now purple with pink and white butterflies on my big toes. For the rest of June I am looking forward to: Philly for CeCe Baby’s first birthday party, the weekend Jaskolski family getaway at my sister-in-law, Jill’s house, having Brad around after MSU Basketball camps are over, U2. Speaking of U2, the concert is a big deal to me. When Bono hurt himself and cancelled the tour, I was so relieved because I was really sick. This may sound corny, but this year, I have done hours and hours of therapy with U2 blaring in the background, telling myself when I see Bono, we will both be healthier. My “must hear” songs are “Bad,” “One,” and basically any other hits from the 80’s/90’s. I love watching Brad leave for, and come home from coaching at the MSU BB camps. He is like a kid on Christmas. I could handle the weather we had today every day of the year….But the cottonwood is making me miserable. We had spaghetti and clams for dinner tonight which happens to be one of my faves. I never thought that was a weird dish until Brad was over at my parents early on in our dating days and said he’s never seen anyone eat it. Must be an Italian thing. Being in a flash mob, and becoming a personal trainer have been added to my bucket list. Midodrine makes me feel like my hair is standing up straight, and it gives me constant goosebumps. Strange. I have been feeling a little more insecure than normal. It hit me recently that this summer I will not have to travel the Midwest seeing doctor after doctor. I just get to see the ones that “get” me. So, so comforting. I was recently told that I, “put on too good of a face for my illnesses.” I am wondering what kind of face I should put on? Having a routine choreographed by Mia Michaels or Travis Wall is a dream of mine. I am thinking that life is too short to hold grudges. I am addicted to my new iphone. Not good. Not good at all. I cried hard when I watched Meredith Viera’s farewell on the Today show. Matt, Al, Meredith, and Ann have become my early morning buddies this year. I am reading The Shack. It is good, but I am finding it is taking me a long time to get through it, and I am usually a super fast reader. I feel like I have to read each page a couple times. I am in sibling withdrawl. My PT is trying to get me to a place where I can do some spinning, and that makes me happy. My wish list includes a countertop, laptop, new Mizuno’s, a petite Maxi dress, a new mailbox, a Canon Rebel, a pool, a bedroom set, cool wall art from art fairs, and a baby. I am wondering what people who read this would think are good blog topics? I have a lot of questions about Extreme Couponing. I feel bad for Selena Gomez (Bieber’s gal pal). I hear she is having some wierd medical issues that have to do with her blood pressure. If this entertainment news is real, I would tell her to, “NEVER Give Up” until they figure it out. I have been on a pear and hard boiled egg kick. Not at the same time though. I got sad when my size 0 and size 2 shorts from last summer didn’t fit me and then I quickly remembered what last summer was like drinking Ensure, and my sadness turned into happiness. Being a grown up can be awesome. Being a grown up can be so hard.
Tags: Random