Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Posts Tagged ‘Teaching’

Five For Friday + 1 9/10/11

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday, Teaching, Uncategorized

Late, late, late…I really need to figure out a blogging schedule, but in the meantime please continue to be patient with me.  I was told my blog content was a little “light” this week.  Hopefully, I will get into a groove soon so I can blog about more “meatier” subjects.  Right now, I am just repeating to myself over and over again, the good ol’ saying from Finding Nemo, “just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming…”

Here’s my Five For Friday for the week.  It’s a special “School Edition.”

1.  Medical Stuff:

  • 1 day of Home Rehab.  This is unacceptable (I know you are gonna get me Katie if you are reading).

Back At It…The Classroom in Pictures

Written by Katie. Posted in Teaching

Here’s a quick tour of my Montessori classroom.  We start out with minimal materials on the shelves, and as more materials are presented, they are added to the shelves.  By the end of October, the shelves are full of Montessori materials (and the intro materials are put away).   I’m excited for the year ahead!

By the Skin of my Teeth

Written by Katie. Posted in Challenges, Memorable Experiences, Thankful

I apologize for my post, “I am Trying.”  I realize that it was not fair of me to post such a vague entry, knowing full well that so many of my family and friends read.  I was so upset the other night, and I was not thinking clearly.  I had let my emotional brain overtake my rational brain.

Anyways, here’s the scoop, that sent me into a 2 day frenzy.