Happy 100th post to me!
I’ve racked my brain to try and figure out what I could do to make this post special since 100 is a milestone…and I’ve gotten so much personal therapy and positive feedback out of this blogging journey.
So I decided I would try a giveaway! Now I know this experiment could be successful or it could flop, but I thought it was worth a try.
As I thought long and hard about what to give as a freeby, I knew I wanted to give something that might put a smile on another person’s face so I came up with this…
Ever since my Aunt sent me this blog, I have enjoyed reading the daily “awesome thing” post each morning to get my day started right. It helps to remind me to appreciate the little things in life. Well, there is also a book called The Book of Awesome by the same author of the blog that I would like to giveaway (along with maybe a BONUS surprise)…

So here’s the deal:
All you have to do is leave me a comment. Just for fun, tell me who you are, where you live (if I don’t know you), and something that you would say is an awesome thing in your world. Or don’t. Just leave a comment about anything.
Leave your comment by Thursday, March 17th and on Friday the 18th I’ll pick a random winner to mail (for free) this fun book and surprise to. Please be sure I have an email address to get your mailing info in case you win.
Even if I don’t know you, I would love for you to leave a comment.
Thanks for reading 100 times over!
Tags: Giveaways