Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Five For Friday 10/24/14

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

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1. Medical Stuff:

  • 1 Day of PT. I had Graston’s therapy on my shoulders and neck along with the normal exercises and cardio.
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • I had a really rough week with POTS and therefore, insomnia, which many of you know becomes a vicious cycle. I ended up at the ER last night after 7 days of no sleep and a lot of chest pain. Plus, I know by now when I am dehydrated. My meds were adjusted a bit, I was given fluids, blood work was taken, and luckily my EKG was okay. Hoping this flare will pass quickly. Fingers crossed.

2. I turned 33 on Monday! Despite being a rough week, my birthday was a wonderful day filled with all sorts of messages, calls, texts, and gifts of love! I ended the day with my favorite dinner and CAKE! Thank you to all who made it so special ~ xo

3. On Tuesday, I had an appointment with Dr. Tenaglia to accept a check from her for the foundation. Her office spent the month of September raising money for Life as a Zebra Foundation. It is because of people like her that we are able to do what we do! So blessed!

Dr. Tenaglia 1

4. I had someone contact me wondering about great Dysautonomia support groups; either in Sacramento, CA or online. If anyone could suggest any, please message me or email me at [email protected], and I will pass on the information. Thank you!

5. Thank you for all of the positive comments about our new logo! I am happy and relieved. A lot of time and energy and thought was put into developing something that our zebra team thought represented our organization, but it was hard to know what everyone else would think of it, or how it would be received. Thanks for all the kindness. Means a lot…we are proud of it!

life as a zebra foundation logo

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