Five For Friday 12/27/13
What. A. Week.
Not in a bad sense whatsoever…It was just a bit crazy at times, extremely busy, and quite magical.
1. Medical Stuff:
- No PT.
- 2 workouts at the Michigan Athletic Club (My teaching partner gave me a 7 day “friends and family” pass so Allie and I lived it up at the MAC on Monday and Tuesday).
- No doctors (2 weeks in a row. That must be some kind of RECORD).
- I have started sleeping again (Knock on wood). Crazy how a break can help with that.
2. Ice Storm: Sunday morning about 5, our power went out. We have never experienced an extended power outage in the six years we have lived in our house so I just expected it to come back on in a few hours. Little did I know, that the major ice storm had knocked out thousands and thousands of people’s power. (There are still people I know, 8 days later, who currently have no power). We ended up being one of the lucky ones whose power was restored in a little over 24 hours. However, my parents who happen to live one street over was without power for four days, which meant our house became the “hub” for my family to cook, get warm, eat, sleep, shower…and host Christmas Eve. If you know our house, you know it is a small ranch with one bathroom, so at times, it felt like we were Christmas sardines, but we definitely made the best of it. My parent’s power returned Christmas Day, just in time, for them to host the Dama Family Christmas Eve and Christmas Day on the 26th and 27th.
3. Christmas was a four-day affair.
Christmas Eve we went to mass and then to our house for dinner with my family and our best family friends, the Herner family.
Christmas Day we spent with the Jaskolski’s in Grass Lake.
We had another Christmas Eve on the 26th at my parents since my sister, brother-in-law, and nieces flew in that day.
Dama Family Christmas Day was the 27th.
Want to see one of my very, very favorite gifts that I know most of my zebra peeps will appreciate?

It’s a spoon cuff bracelet my sister, Allie, had made with my word that keeps me going.
You can read about the Spoon Theory here: Spoon Theory
Here’s another one I love:
And a few more:
4. Zumba! I know I am a couple of years late on the Zumba front, but I took my first Zumba class on Christmas Eve and pretty much fell in love. My newest goal is to go away to Zumba school. Anyone want to come with me?
5. As December wraps up, I want to thank everyone who has ordered zebra shirts from Live Love Michigan to support invisible illness awareness and research. We are so thankful for your support. If you have not, and would like to, you can click on the link below! 3 more days to order!
Tags: Christmas, Coraggio, Exercise, Gratitude, Herners, Invisible Illness, Life as a Zebra Foundation, Live.Love.Michigan, Sleep, Surprises, Weather