Five For Friday 2/20/15
1. Medical Stuff:
- 1 Day of PT. I went in the morning since we had the day off for President’s Day. All I have to say is morning PT is a lot easier for me than afternoon PT.
- 2 Days of Home Rehab.
- I went back to the eye doctor for a prescription check since my new reading glasses have been making me sick. Right away, my doc said it was different. I remember my first appointment when I got the initial prescription. I was having a really sick POTSy day and I was barely sleeping. I am willing to bet that that had something to do with it.
2. Zebra Zoom 5k Run/Walk! I found out a few weeks ago that two incredible young ladies from Okemos, Isabelle (my teaching partner’s daughter) and Zoe, are organizing their very first 5k. These two remarkable young ladies (11 years old) came up with the idea to create a race in hopes of raising funds to donate to the Life As A Zebra Foundation. There is no fee, only donations allowed… Because they are only 11! These kind of selfless, beautiful acts of kindness just blow me away. I got an email from Isabelle this morning that made me teary: It read, “I had a meeting with Dunkin Donuts yesterday. They are going to donate bagels, cream cheese, hot chocolate, and coffee.” I can’t remember doing anything like this when I was in fifth grade.
3. Thursday and Friday this past week equaled 2 more snow (or “cold”) days. That now makes six for us. We are allowed six so from here on out, we have to make days up. Fingers crossed we won’t be going to school until August.
4. Friday night, Brad and I went to Evan Pinsonnault’s going away party. He is one of our local news anchors who has been nothing but supportive of Life as a Zebra Foundation. I remember when we were getting ready to go to DC this past summer, Evan and I met about the trip, and he was ready to jump on a plane with us, to cover our trip. In the end, he had a work obligation that he could not get out of, but I will never forget how genuinely excited he was about the work we were going there to do, and that he wanted to be a part of it. Evan is on to Hollywood with his girlfriend, and I wish him nothing but the best! Thank you, Evan for believing in us, and for EVERYTHING you have done for us! We are so grateful!
5. You know that I have to…: ) Plus, it helps keep my “no one showed up” nightmares to a minimum…
You can now buy tickets or make a donation for our fourth annual benefit concert!
Tickets & Donations
Annndddd, you can find full event information here:
Benefit Concert Information!
Tags: 5k, Benefit Concert 2015, Doctors, Evan Pinsonnault, Gratitude, Life as a Zebra Foundation, Media, Surprises, Teaching, Weather