Five For Friday 5/11/18
1. Medical Stuff:
- 1 Day of PT. Lots of OMM on the good ol’ neck and jaw. Light strengthening. Stim.
- Walked in the neighborhood 5 out of seven days.
- Infusion on Thursday. Probably the fastest one I ever had.
- Acupuncture on Wednesday. First time I did not fall asleep.
- More blood work. How do I have any left?!
2. Last weekend I flew to Philly, and loved every single second with my nieces, sister, BIL, and Mom. (Almost did not make my plane because security kept me for an HOUR because of meds I was carrying on DESPITE the doctor’s note I had in hand specifically for TSA. But that’s a super fun story for another day).
I do not know how I made it, but I did. And once I got to my sister’s house, it was all celebrations, all the time. Cece celebrated her first communion, and Annie celebrated her fifth birthday. We ate…and ate…and ate, and I soaked up every snuggle, giggle, bedtime story, playtime, and hug and kiss. One more month until I see those babies again.
3. The excitement of letting our butterflies go every spring never gets old…if you need a pick me up, watch the world through a 5 year old’s eyes.

Tags: acupuncture, Annie, Birthdays, Cecilia, Celebrations, Infusions, Kindergarten, Labs, Mom, Nieces, Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM), Philadelphia, Struggles, Teaching