Five For Friday 5/18/18
1. Medical Stuff:
- 1 Acupuncture Treatment.
- 1 Lipids Infusion.
- 3 Days of Home Rehab. Cardio in the neighborhood and strengthening in my living room.
- 1 lady parts appointment.
2. Why do I do this to myself every year? Why do I make our busiest foundation month, the same month that is my busiest teaching month? Whew. Maybe it is so June truly feels like a vacation ; )
Anyways, we are coming up on our busiest LAAZF week of the year! How fitting to kick it off with this beauty! Thank You, Mayor, Andy Schor for the Proclamation, stating May 20-26th is Invisible Illness Awareness Week in the City of Lansing. #lifeasazebrafoundation #invisibleillnessawarenessweek2018 #lovelansing #zebranation #awarenesscampaign #bringingvisibilitytoinvisibleillnesses

Tags: acupuncture, Awareness, Faith, Gynecologist, Health Fairs, Infusions, Invisible Illness Awareness Week, Life as a Zebra Foundation, Proclamations, Quotes