Five For Friday 5/19/17
1. Medical Stuff:
- One Day of PT. My thoracic was super locked up. We don’t usually crack me, but that day was an exception.
- No Home Rehab. This is not an excuse; there is never an excuse, but my week was insane and I didn’t get it in.
- No doctors. Just a lot of everything else!
2. This week, my body felt the fact that I have way too many things going on right now. By doing a lot of zebra-ing plus all of the end of the school year events, I must be crazy.
Between having reading night for our school Monday night, to student’s birthday parties, to zebra meetings, to lots of emails, to preparing for zebra day, to preparing for invisible illness week in Michigan, to organizing a 5k, to working a health fair…it was a super productive week, but one that reminded me that EDS and POTS are in fact, very real. My body today is saying, NOPE, KATIE. Time to rest and PACE.
3. You guys! My bro graduated from the police academy last weekend, winning the physical fitness award and the MCOLES award (Michigan Commission of Law Enforcement Standards). I am one proud sister. My Dad who is a retired lieutenant was able to present him with his certificate of completion from the academy. That’s when we all lost it.
The end.
4. After a year off, I met with the head of the Kellogg Center about a 2018 benefit concert for the foundation. I have some researching and info to gather before our board makes any decisions. Stay tuned…
5. Did you know that the Life as a Zebra Foundation had an instrumental role in the proposal, drafting, and adoption of the resolution for the State of Michigan’s Invisible Illness Awareness Week, beginning Sunday?! The theme will be “Visible in Numbers,” and we will be asking our Zebras and Zebra supporters to share their stories by emailing them to us and/or sharing them on our Facebook page. Stay tuned for updates!
Tags: Awards, Awareness, Benefit Concert, Chronic Illness, Dad, Invisible Illness Awareness Week, Life as a Zebra Foundation, Memories, Pacing, Social Media Campaigns