Five For Friday 5/4/18
1. Medical Stuff:
- 1 Day of PT. As hard it was, I admitted to my PT I needed to take it easy. I could tell it was one of those days that if I pushed, I would be in trouble. So we did more OMM, more heat, and more stim.
- Every night this week, Brad and I walked a mile and a half. It was our goal at the beginning of the week and we did it. Spring weather just makes life so much easier.
- Blood draw. All good.
- Home Infusion. Ceiling fan…hanger…bag of meds…All good.
- Saw my shrink on Thursday. This is a year I have felt pretty broken. He is the most amazing man in helping me figure out the pieces, and understand which ones I want to pick up and put back together.
2. Every year when it gets to May, I curse at myself and wonder why I choose the last full month of school to pack so much Zebra-ing in, along with all of the end of the year craziness. Yet, I still do every. single. year. So, here we go. Hold on tight, Katie, and keep breathing. You got this. (Sometimes you need to give yourself a pep talk ; )
3. Two back to school nights this week. Literacy night and a meet and greet with our new principal next year. If you know me, you know these “extras” make the week harder, but I did it. Twenty-four more school days.
4. I’m off to Philly y’all! It’s a big weekend for two of my nieces. One is making her first communion, and one is turning five! And Aunt Katie is going to party with them and love them up!
5. KIND IS COOL! The month of May is full of Zebra-ing…Ehlers-Danlos Awareness Month, Vasculitis Awareness Month, Gullain-Barre Awareness Month, Mental Health Awareness Month, Lupus Awareness Month, Invisible Illness Awareness Week, Zebra Day, and NEW Zebra Gear just to name a few..
If you want to order our brand new shirt, please email me ([email protected]).
The sizes for youth are: Small, Medium, and Large. For Adult: Small, Medium, Large, XL, XXL, XXXL. The shirts are unisex. I need all orders by May 13th! $10 cash or check (made out to Life as a Zebra Foundation). Add $3 for shipping in the US.

Tags: Annie, Brad, Cecilia, Dr. Rosen, Infusions, Kindness, Life as a Zebra Foundation, Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM), Philadelphia, Struggles, Teaching, Zebra Day, Zebra Shirts