Five For Friday 6/15/18
1. Medical Stuff:
- Pretty much the same kind of week: Home Rehab, acupuncture, infusion.
- Had A LOT of labs drawn. Everything looks good.
- Had my cyst removed from my head…AGAIN. It missed me so much, it came back after having it removed in March. One stitch and it’s healing nicely. Hoping this second time is the charm. I want my flat head back ; )
2. First week of summer vacay and I lived it up! The first few days was all about productivity…all of those things I have been putting off to make it through the school year. Monday, I ran 13 errands, and it felt pretty amazing to check so much off of my to-do list!
Tuesday, I spent three hours packing up my classroom, which happens to be one of my most hated jobs ever (up there with cleaning my bathtub and blinds). I have about five hours left. It WILL be done this week. IT WILL.
3. My niece, Cece, flew from Philly to Lansing with my Mom for the rest of the week. Of course it flew by…I tried to soak up every single second. Water park, pizza, Wonder and popcorn, ice cream trips, Target, more shopping, snuggles, mani/pedis, reading at the book store, sleepover at my house, and so much more. We get to see my nieces on holidays, but we never just get “down time” to do ordinary things. It was pretty much the best thing in the world. Love, love, love making memories.
Here’s one of my many pics:

Shirts by: Live Love Michigan
Design by: Christi Lopez

Tags: 5k, acupuncture, Cecilia, Cysts, Humor, Infusions, Labs, Life as a Zebra Foundation, Memories, Productivity, Summer, T-Shirts, Teaching, Vacation