Five For Friday 6/29/18
1. Medical Stuff:
- Back at it in PT. I spoke too soon last week. My ribs have decided to give me fits.
- 2 Days of Home Rehab. AKA three miles in the neighborhood and strengthening exercises in my living room.
- Weekly acupuncture and infusion. Sometimes managing my health seems like really hard work. This was on of those weeks.
2. Purge, Purge, PURGE! I may be crazy but I committed to a garage sale a week from today. Gah. Needless to say, I’ve been down in the basement going through tubs…and more tubs. It will feel pretty amazing when it is done, but I may have a meltdown in the meantime ; )
3. I can’t say much at this point, but we have the ball rolling on some cool events for the foundation in the near future. Different events and different partnerships we have not had before! Stay tuned…and keep the last week in May (2019) open…wink, WINK!
4. The Post Office officially knows me. I walked in to two different ones this week, and they BOTH knew me by name. I guess I have been pretty much living there lately, shipping zebra shirts right and left.
5. I believe this with my whole heart.
Friday Food for Thought.

Tags: acupuncture, Garage sales, Home Improvements, Infusions, Inspiration, Life as a Zebra Foundation, Management, Partnerships, Perspective, Quotes, subluxations, Upcoming Events, Zebra Shirts