Five For Friday 6/8/18
1. Medical Stuff:
- 1 Infusion.
- 1 acupuncture session. Slept so hard my doc had to shake me.
- LOTS of great, LONG naps. Like long as in accidentally slept through dinner twice.
- 2 Days of Home Rehab. No PT.
- Now, that it’s summer, it is time to kick my exercise into a much higher gear. I’ve been pretty lazy lately and I feel it.
2. We celebrated (or I should say ate) our way through the last week of school. TWO picnics, three days of hot dogs, summer birthdays with ice cream, cake, and cookies, two days of Popsicles, one dance party, lots of coffee (me), art projects, crafts, and game days. FUN was the name of the game this past week.
3. It is not too late to join Life as a Zebra Foundation’s, TEAM ZEBRA at our 5k on Saturday!
Check out the link below for more info! The more the merrier!
4. It’s Saturday morning and I am not doing lesson plans or writing a parent letter for the week.
Summer Vacay.
That. Is. All.
5. Love, strength, and support to all of those struggling to choose another day. Please stay. You are loved. You matter. 1.800.273.8255

Tags: 5k, acupuncture, Exercise, Food, Goals, Infusions, Kindergarten, Life as a Zebra Foundation, Mental Health, resources, Sleep, Struggles, Summer, Teaching, Upcoming Events