Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Five For Friday 8/22/14

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

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1. Medical Stuff:

  • 3 Days of Home Rehab.
  • I had an OMM appointment on Wednesday, after setting up my classroom om Monday and Tuesday. My Psoas muscles needed to be calmed down, as well as my jaw and neck.
  • I had a hydrogen glucose stomach test at U of M this morning. It took two hours and is meant to see if the positive bacteria outweighs the negative. If it doesn’t, I will try probiotics.
  • I received my new medical ID bracelet in the mail. It’s from Road ID. I love it. It’s sporty, not too clunky, and I think they are really affordable.

2. Classroom set-up! Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday I was in the classroom working. It’s pretty much set to go, although if you are a teacher you know you are never, ever done. We have our open house on Tuesday and then kids come the following Tuesday! I’m getting pretty excited to see those wide eyes soon! Pictures of my classroom to come…

3. So I joined the craze to raise awareness and funds for ALS research! I donated and participated in the ice bucket challenge. Have you? (I’d upload the video if I could figure out how, but I promise you it exists).

4. My other zebra half got home tonight! Allie is in between occupational therapy internships so she will be home for a couple of weeks. Happy.


She is too.

5. Some great opportunities are in the works for the foundation since the Rotary talk last week. More later, but feeling blessed!

Off to Gympalooza! We will be zebra-ing all day! If you are near Lansing, you should join us too! Let’s do some major invisible illness awareness work today! : )

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