Five For Friday 9/30/11
1. Medical Stuff:
- 3 Days of Home Rehab.
- My PT appointment was cancelled this week.
- Great article about living with an Invisible Illness. It’s not long but in my opinion, it speaks volumes.
2. Jill, Daric, Jameson, and Cami came to visit last Saturday after going to the MSU game. I did not make it out to the tailgate because it was the day after prolotherapy and I was moving pretty slow. It was nice of them to take the time to come over and visit (after an MSU WIN I must add).
3. A fall-time weakness of mine.

My first one of the season. I must find the willpower within me to limit myself to one every OTHER week...Or maybe every week. There IS an apple under all of that goodness after all.
4. Sebastian and I met Thursday afternoon to have website meeting #3. We talked about new ideas, and he helped me work out some kinks. I also got a Twitter lesson. I feel like I may just be on the verge of a social media overload.
(You are a miracle worker, Sebastian. Thank you for everything you do to help me.)
5. Two of my Internet favorites of the week sent to me by my Aunt Mada…
“Who’s a Happy Zebra?” and a song about fighting adversity.
Tags: Family, Food, Invisible Illness, Music, Website, zebras