Five For Friday 5/17/19 & 5/24/19
1. Medical Stuff:
- Two PT sessions. I feel like I am finally getting stronger and my lower back in general is feeling better. Just need to tackle my left sciatica and SI joint and I’ll be like brand new ; )
- Two Home Rehabs. Light walking and strengthening. Lots of foam rolling.
- Two Shrink appointments. I am back to weekly for the time being. It’s a good thing.
- I had my first infusion since pre-pregnancy days. My POTS came back with a vengeance a couple of weeks ago which has forced me to put my health in the forefront.
- One primary care appointment.
2. London trip, anyone? I wish the US would get on board with something like this. So important…so exciting.
New London-Based Rheumatology and Hypermobility Clinic
3. Have you ever read something and you felt it so deeply, that it pretty much stopped you in your tracks and took your breath away? Ta da:
4. We are so honoured that Rathbun Insurance has made us their “Quotes for a Cause” for the month of May. Check out their blog post:
LAAZF & Rathbun Insurance Quotes for a Cause
Thanks, Rathbun for helping us bring visibility to invisible illnesses!
5. My girl turned 4 months on the 16th!
Firsts: Facing out in the Baby Bjorn. 6 month clothes. Breastmilk popsicles. Rolling both ways…all. Of. The. Time. Sleeping at night in her crib. Meeting her Philly fam. Putting her paci in herself, meeting her new cousin, Nora! Sticking her tongue out at everyone. Seamless grabbing. Cousin play date.
Loves: airplane, being upside down, her Eric Carl elephant toy, Elmo songs, anything daredevilish, facing out, baths, naps on mom and dad, people, talking at bedtime, squealing, pooping in her bouncy chair, walks outside in the bjorn, no pants (must be my daughter).
Doesn’t Love: booger sucking, teething, Tylenol, facing in, being contained (girlfriend is always on the move), sun in her face.
Tags: Ah-Ha's, Ehlers-Danlos, Ehlers-Danlos Society, Foam Roller, Infusions, Life as a Zebra Foundation, Lucia, Mental Health, Milestones, Physical Therapy, Quotes, Quotes for a Cause, Rathbun Insurance, Wellness