Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Good Times Around the Bend

Written by Katie. Posted in Challenges

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Many people often comment on how positive I am.  I do pride myself on the fact that I usually can find a silver lining in hard situations, and I don’t take myself too seriously.

But tonight I am struggling. 

Not because I had a bad day, or a bad POTS appointment.  In fact, I saw Dr. Grubb today, and my appointment went well, and I have to say that Dr. Grubb truly is an incredible man. 

But sometimes life smacks you in the face and it is overwhelming. And exhausting. And you feel vulnerable and defeated.

I know it is temporary.  I know I will regain perspective.  I am strong and I am tough.  Tomorrow will be better.  There are good times around the bend….Great times around the bend.

But every once in a while, I believe that it is okay to be human and admit that you are having a hard time.  Tonight is one of those nights.

Brad always plays me this song…

Sometimes “the roller coaster’s gotta to roll to the bottom, if you want to climb to the top again.”

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