Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Posts Tagged ‘Dysautonomia’

Five For Friday 11/18/11

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1.  Medical Stuff:

  • 1 Day of PT.
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • I saw Larry in the office on Monday.  We talked more about my physical therapy plan (most likely I will be trying out an every other week schedule to see how I do after Christmas break).  He also put 4 of my ribs back in place and manipulated my OA bone that was rotated.
  • Today, I had my 9th prolotherapy treatment.  It has been a rough one, but I should hopefully be back on my feet tomorrow.
  • This week marked my one year anniversary for my POTS and EDS diagnoses.  Hard to believe.

Gorilla Taming

Written by Katie. Posted in Challenges, Ehlers-Danlos Awareness, POTS Awareness

As you can see, I did not write the piece below.  I wanted to post it though, because I find it to be a brilliant description of learning to live life with a chronic illness. 

Each time I read the following piece, I think about my specialists (especially Dr. Grubb and Dr. Lavallee) who are encouraging me to tame my gorilla.

A Heartfelt Letter Written by a Friend

Written by Katie. Posted in POTS Awareness

I read this letter this morning, which was written by a fellow POTSy friend.  It is beautifully written, honest, and REAL.  I found that it reflected a lot of what I have also tried to express to others this past year about having POTS.  I encourage you to read Susan’s letter if you have the time.  As tears streamed down my face as I read, I just kept thinking, “Thank you, Susan,” for putting into words the emotions that come with redefining life after being diagnosed with this crazy thing called Dysautonomia. 


POTS in Toledo Round 2

Written by Katie. Posted in POTS Appointments

Last Monday, Brad and I traveled to Toledo to see the infamous Dr. Grubb.  When I was first diagnosed with POTS, I researched Dysautonomia like crazy.  Dr. Grubb’s name kept coming up over and over again.  From there, I read many of his research papers about POTS and other types of Dysautonomia. 

I made it my mission to see him after I was diagnosed, so I called his office back in November, and the very nice nurse explained that I would have to wait more than a year for an appointment.  However, she explained that I could see the NP, Beverly, in about 4-6 months.  I told her I was totally fine with that.  Therefore, at the beginning of December I faxed the office all of my test results and diagnosis paperwork.  In March, I was called to set up my first appointment with Bev for April.  On April 20th, I saw Bev for the first time. 

More POTS in the News

Written by Katie. Posted in POTS Awareness

It seems I come across a lot more articles about POTS that are written in the UK, than the US.  I wonder why that is…Anyways, here’s the latest POTS article I found.  I tend to look for more info about POTS when I am struggling with it more myself.  I really hope that articles like this can continue to spread awareness.  Yay, Dr. Grubb!
