Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Posts Tagged ‘Mishawaka’

Given the Choice Between the Experience of Pain and Nothing, I Would Choose Pain." ~Faulkner

Written by Katie. Posted in Prolotherapy

Last Tuesday marked prolotherapy, round 6.  Since MSU Basketball camps were over, and school was out, Brad was able to take me this time.  We decided to make a “pre-prolo” date out of it. 

Brad’s very favorite beer is Fat Tire.  The problem with this is that it is only sold in 20-some states, and Michigan is not one of them.  Since we have various social events and vacation coming up, Brad decided he wanted to stop and load up on Fat Tire since they sell it in Indiana.  So, as we arrived in Mishawaka we found a “beverage” shop and Brad was able to check his mission off our list. 

"Pain goes away. Pride lasts forever." ~unknown

Written by Katie. Posted in Prolotherapy


Round 5 of prolotherapy…check!  After six weeks, my Dad and I returned to Mishawaka for another treatment of prolotherapy.  I am such a “routine” person.  We have a routine down for on the way there, while I am prolo’d, and for on the way home.  Routine gives me comfort; especially on a day that is not the most comfortable. 

"Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body" ~Sobal

Written by Katie. Posted in Prolotherapy

Well, I made it through my third prolotherapy round.  Brad is busy getting ready for conferences this week, so my Dad took me this time.  I had no idea what to expect with my Dad taking me since every time I have tried to show him the pictures from round one and two, he couldn’t look.  I’m not sure if this had to do with being queasy at the sight of all those shots, or if it had to do with one of his babies going through something painful, or both…

Third Time\’s the Charm?

Written by Katie. Posted in Prolotherapy

My body hurts…

and not because of prolotherapy. 

I realized I never updated my blog after having to reschedule AGAIN.  24 hours before I was supposed to have prolo, it was still blizzarding.  I looked up Mishawaka’s news channels, and the city was under a state of emergency and the whole city was asked not to drive.  Since I knew I had to give 24 hours notice for cancellations, I called and left a message asking what my options were. A little while later the lady who does the scheduling called from her home because the office was shut down and said I could come Monday at 1:00 instead.  I tried really, really, REALLY hard for Friday but no such luck.  So I will now have prolo on Monday…if the stars are aligned. 


Written by Katie. Posted in Prolotherapy

Well, I am supposed to be having prolotherapy done in an hour, but after much thought and many checks of the weather channel, Brad and I decided it would be best to reschedule because of the blizzard that is coming.  Although the storm is not supposed to hit us until tonight, it is supposed to hit Mishawaka this afternoon around the time we would have been driving home.  

Talk about bummed.  I have been counting down the days until prolo.  And now (being the worry wart that I am) I am stressing that the roads won’t be okay by Thursday…I tried to ask for a Friday appointment but Friday was booked.  So my fingers are crossed for clear roads and safe travels by Thursday morning at 10:00.