Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Zebra Feature Eve!

Written by Katie. Posted in Media

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Hi All!

It’s zebra feature eve! After a month of working on it and being filmed, it will finally air tomorrow. 

This is what I know: It is 11 minutes long.  If you live in Meridian township it will air on Comcast channel 21 in the evening.  The time is still to be determined.  It will also stream after it airs on www.homtv.net. However, Max told me that the best quality will be the HD version he will post on his HOMTV Facebook page.  Once I get that link, I will be sure to pass it on.  Feel free to pass it on as well.

To be honest I am nervous, and excited, and kind of scared.  Besides this website, I have never put my struggles and successes, and pretty much a lot of my personal life out there like this.  I feel a mix of anticipation, eagerness, and vulnerability…but most of all excitement.

Like I have said before, Max has worked extremely hard to put the story together in a beautiful way, and I’m so pumped for you all to see his work!  I hope you all can appreciate how he has put his heart and soul into this piece.

I will ask this: If you have something that is not so positive to say after watching, please try to make it constructive if at all possible.  And also, please keep in mind that the story portrays MY life with EDS and POTS, and my life only.  I realize that EDS and POTS are spectrum diseases so everyone who has them has a different story to tell. Lastly, it is my hope that something in the story will at least help one person out there.

Thank you for all of your support.  It means the world.

Stay tuned…


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