Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Author Archive

Five For Friday 5/10/13

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1.  Medical Stuff:

  • 1 Day of PT.  It was my last appointment in the building I have gone to for 3 years.  My next session is in their brand new facility.  Can’t wait to see it!
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • No doctors this week.

\”In the End Some of your Greatest Pain Becomes your Greatest Strength\”

Written by Katie. Posted in Ehlers-Danlos Appointments, Prolotherapy

Prolotherapy, round #Ihavelostcount.

Thursday marked nine weeks since I had my last prolotherapy injections.  That is the longest I have gone since I started, and I think it was a couple of weeks too long.  The two weeks leading up to my appointment, I was dealing with some major neck and shoulder pain…to the point that I was sleeping with my trusty rice heating pads again.  Needless to say, I was ready to get in the car and make our way to Dr. Cantieri’s office.

\”Stable:\” POTS in Toledo

Written by Katie. Posted in POTS Appointments, POTS Awareness

There’s always an air of excitement when it is time for me to return to Toledo to either see Bev or Dr. Grubb.  I think it’s because it took so long for me to get into them, knowing that they are two of the best Dysautonomia experts in the world.  Call it hope, call it an understanding, call it an appreciation for doctors who care and “get it”…call it what you will, but it never seems like a chore to travel to Toledo to see these two incredible doctors and people. 

Five For Friday 5/3/13

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

Happy May…which means Happy Ehlers-Danlos and Vasculitis Awareness Months!

1.  Medical Stuff:

  • I traveled to Toledo, OH on Monday to see one of my POTS specialists, Dr. Bev.  More about that soon.
  • I traveled to Mishawaka, IN on Thursday for prolotherapy injections. More to come on that too.
  • 3 Days of Home Rehab.