Five For Friday +1 12/17/11
Whew! I feel like I can finally breathe again. The past two weeks have been the hardest, most demanding weeks I’ve had since returning to work. But I fought through it and survived. And I am proud of that.
Vacation may now commence.
1. Medical Stuff:
- I had my December appointment with Larry. He put four of my subluxed ribs back into place and did a lot of gentle neck manipulations. He agreed that I may really benefit from regular cranio-cervical therapy and referred me to a doctor in Holt for weekly OMM. December 22nd is my first appointment. Fingers crossed.
- I had two gyno appointments.
- 1 Day of PT.
- 2 Days of Home Rehab.
- I scheduled my Dr. Grubb follow-up appointment for January in Toledo. Now I just need to schedule my Dr. Lavallee, EDS follow-up for January too.