Five For Friday 2/21/14
1. Medical Stuff:
- 1 Day of PT. I had a really rough weekend of rib subluxations, stomach flu, and migraines from EDS neck pain so when I arrived to therapy, I had had it. I immediately burst into tears…It’s been a while since that happened but my amazing therapist was able to calm me (and my pain) down with a stern pep talk about pacing and listening to my body, cranial therapy, and rib OMM.
- 2 Days of Home Rehab. Treadmill, balance work, and floor exercises.
- I have been trying to drink more and more water. I have been feeling so dehydrated lately which does not help my POTS issues.
2. The first part of our President’s Day weekend was actually sick-free and a good time. Brad and I ended up taking off for a night just to get away. We ended up at the casino (now $40 poorer), went shopping, saw a movie, went to dinner, and slept in late. It was nice to have a change of scenery with zero work and distractions.
3. I was really lucky to have met Bob Hoffman about a month ago thanks to my friend, Jan. He is an incredible person who does it all; runs his own foundation, runs Wharton Center, and co-hosts his own morning show, Morning Blend just to name a few. This week I felt honored to be on Bob’s show and to be featured on his website. You can read my interview on his site by clicking the link below:

On the set of Morning Blend with Bob and Mary. Grateful for the chance to spread the word about invisible illness awareness and our upcoming benefit concert on April 12.
4. My family has grown up with the Herner family. Every Sunday night, we all still have dinner together. Even though they are not blood, they are still family. Doug has always been like my other Dad. When I was a gymnast he used to show up at practice just to watch. He would come to my meets and give me pep talks. We have always been close. This week he was featured on News 6. I loved the story so much, I wanted to share it on here.
5. Have you bought your tickets yet for April 12? Would you rather make a donation? Click below! We are so appreciative of the support and love we have received so far! Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Tags: 2014 Benefit Concert, Awareness, Bob Hoffman, Brad, Chris Trapper, Ehlers-Danlos, Getaways, Herners, Invisible Illness, Media, Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM), Physical Therapy, POTS, Sick, Tony Lucca, Travel