Five For Friday 7/27/18
1. Medical Stuff:
Quieter week, medically.
- 1 Day of PT.
- 3 HARD Home Rehab days. I’m loving the incline work. Feel the burnnn.
- 1 acupuncture hour.
2. Well, it happened. I bought the first of my school supplies. Blahhhhhh. 60 glue sticks + 60 packs of colored pencils + 50 boxes of crayons + 40 boxes of markers + 30 notebooks + 30 folders…Don’t check my bank account, guys. SAD.
3. I spent the weekend with Allie in Chicago. I went with my bathing suit in hand, ready to pretty much live at her neighbor’s pool…but it was not meant to be. It rained pretty much the entire time. SO, we had to spend our time doing other fun things…like binge on Queer Eye, wear face masks, go to her really Target that I love, WIN 30 bucks at the casino, brunch and shop in the city, and snuggle the cutest pitbull on this planet. We won’t talk about my train ride home. All I will say is PUKE.
4. How, how, HOW is this cousin of mine on an official visit to Michigan State?!?! No pressure, Ian…but GO GREEN ????

5. I love this.
Printed. Posted. Read DAILY.

Tags: Allie, Back to School, Boundaries, Chicago, Cousins, Family, Inspiration, Michigan State, Self-Love, Teaching