
Posts Tagged ‘Fall’

Five For Friday 9/21/18

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

Catching up…better late, than never!

1. Medical Stuff:

  • I got the cyst on my head removed for the THIRD time. They had to cut deeper and I got 7 stitches. Holy headache, the next day. It was not fun, but I survived with Tylenol, ice, and a heating pad. I’ll spare you the pics since it’s super gross. My dermatologist says it should not come back so here’s hoping!
  • 1 Day of PT. Lots of cranial work because of so much head pain (see above).
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab. Trying to get all the cardio in I can get outside before it’s way too cold.

Five For Friday 11/4/16

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

November! Time, slow down! Craziness!

Medical Stuff:

  • 1 Day of PT. For the first time in a few weeks, I had good energy, so we went with it and I worked out HARD.
  • No Home Rehab. That was a big fail this week.
  • I had an OMM appointment on Monday. In my Halloween costume which was interesting since I went from school and totally forgot to bring clothes. It was interesting to be manipulated as Snow White.
  • I had my monthly shrink appointment. Just so grateful for that man.
  • I’m still having issues with my eyes. Right now, I am experimenting with just steroid drops (rather than antibiotic steroid drops) to see if it keeps the flare away. Sighh. My body loves medical mysteries.
  • I slept a bit better this week. I am hopeful.

Hello, Fall

Written by Katie. Posted in About Me, Questions, Random

Today, as fall starts, I am…

wearing:  Soft, soft clothes because of prolotherapy.  Black yoga capris, an Old Navy T-shirt, and a long sleeve “Life is Good” shirt over top of the t-shirt. 

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