Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Posts Tagged ‘Family’

Five For Friday 3/15/13

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1.  Medical Stuff:

  • No PT.  I was on my own all week.
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • I saw Larry in the office for lots of OMM.  My body got a much needed tune-up!
  • This week was much more manageable in terms of what I needed to get done, and I realized a lot of that was due to a couple of factors:

Five For Friday 3/8/13

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

I’ve never missed a Five For Friday.  Due to the fact that I admittedly have issues, I have to post last week’s for my own peace of mind so at least it’s documented.  Otherwise, I may lose sleep.  I know, I know…Issues, I tell you.

1.  Medical Stuff:

  • 1 Day of Physical Therapy.  Lots on the Reformer!
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • 1 OMM Appointment for cranial-sacral therapy and an OA release on my neck.

Five For Friday 2/8/13

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1.  Medical Stuff:

  • 3 Days of Home Rehab.
  • Physical Therapy was canceled because my physical therapist was sick.  Lots of sickness going around lately!
  • No doctors appointments this week.
  • I had major issues this week with my POTS flaring, and therefore insomnia.  Sometimes my heart rate gets so high that it feels like I am running a marathon when I should be sleeping.  Insomnia then makes my POTS worse and it ends up being a vicious cycle.  So needless to say, it has been harder to function this week, but I keep telling myself that like everything else, “This too shall pass.”

Fate, Family, Answers, & Genes

Written by Katie. Posted in Ehlers-Danlos Awareness, Family, Memorable Experiences, Questions

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is genetic.  Of the genes. Often inherited (though not always). This, I get.

What I have always wondered is if my EDS was in fact inherited, where in my family did I get it from?

My siblings don’t have it.  My parents don’t have it.  For three years, I have not known of anyone on either side of my family who has EDS.

Five For Friday 1/11/13

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

Holy Moly, life is moving at lightning speed again and I am trying to keep up!

1.  Medical Stuff:

  • 1 Day of PT.  Elliptical, Recumbent Bike, & an OA release were the focus of the appointment.  I am now going every two weeks instead of every week.  We will see how it goes!