There’s a lot swirling around in this head of mine.
You should see my to-do list. It’s pretty scary.
Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.
There’s a lot swirling around in this head of mine.
You should see my to-do list. It’s pretty scary.
Ummm, you know that one goal I have about figuring out how to balance blogging and life in general? Well, that goal is proving to be very difficult for me right now…
1. Medical Stuff:
I confess:
Hello to almost turning 31.
Hello to this being my 401st post.
I have received many emails and Facebook messages lately asking me essentially the same questions:
“How do you pace yourself?” “How can you exercise with POTS?” “How are you able to work?” “What helps you the most to manage your POTS and EDS?”